Trick or Treat: The Tale of Jack Oliver Lantern
In the eerie town of Roodhouse, there was a boy named Jack Oliver Lantern. Every year, the townsfolk warned him to stay away from the old witch’s house and to never smash pumpkins. But Jack, with his mischievous spirit, didn’t heed their warnings.

One fateful October night, Jack ventured too close to the witch’s house, laughing as he smashed pumpkins along the way. Suddenly, the air grew cold, and a chilling voice echoed through the night. It was Pumpkatina, the witch known for her dark magic and sinister curses. With a wave of her gnarled hand, she cast a curse upon him. Every October, Jack would transform into a terrifying pumpkin creature, doomed to stalk the night and haunt the very town he once called home.

Beware the tale of Jack Oliver Lantern. Never venture near the witch’s house, and under no circumstances should you smash pumpkins, lest you suffer Jack’s cursed fate. 

Remember the rhyme, it might just save your life.

Pumpkatina, Pumpkatina,
She’s the witch on Halloweena.
With her family from the seeds,
They will come to make you bleed.

Pumpkatina, Pumpkatina,
Don’t smash pumpkins on Halloweena.
Heed the warning, for if you do,
She may come to curse you too.